Friday, 30 December 2011

Good Intentions

After quite a good start this blog has been on the back burner - time to get the ball rolling again!

A few months of Christmas, seeing friends and family, my new job and illness haven't left time for much else let alone blogging!
So here's a few highlights from December.

Our small but perfectly formed tree which unfortunately we have had to take down already! We decided to buy a small real one in a pot in the hope that we can use it for years to come but the central heating hasn't been kind to the poor fellow so we felt sorry for it and popped it outside in the rain - hopefully it will make it to next year!

A lot of the decorations we picked up from Bath Christmas market and the ceramic ones were made by my good friend Charlotte who came to stay with us for the weekend.

Present time! We did pretty well at presents this year and managed to pick up some good gifts for our friends and family! Mr. E was very naughty and got me and iPad! Which I totally wasn't expecting as he put on a pretty convincing act of pretending he hadn't got me anything!!

I didn't get to do as much Christmas baking as I would of liked because ive had a rotten cold but I did whip up a batch of gingerbread snowflakes to take into work - I have no idea how they tasted as my nose was blocked but everyone seemed to like them!

I hope everybody had a good Christmas and is looking forward to the new year. My resolutions - getting fit and blogging more!


  1. Great photos! The present and cookies look so lovely! Hope you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year!

    Love & Cake,

  2. Looks like a perfect holiday and by the way your comment on the blog made me laugh out loud!

  3. Haha! I say as I see! Thanks both for the comments xxx
